I remember how your brown eyes shine in the sunlight stretching through your truck windows; & I remember how we used to do the same, like a bang & then oh, such a whimper… —- but like a supernova, what we had brewed with so much energy [all. too. soon.] & it reached the point where we glowed as brightly as we possibly could be. so our walls bounced off of each other, & the implosion consumed the both of us. - so we continue to exist out in space somewhere, mere particles of cataclysmic stardust resembling what we once were, but what we had was lovely & brilliant; (& isn’t that what we are: lovely & brilliant & temporary?) - but hell, do we shine.
supernova: noun-- A rare celestial phenomenon involving the explosion of most of the material in a star, resulting in an extremely bright, short-lived object that emits vast amounts of energy.