I met a man who could recite all twenty three thousand lines of the “Romance of the Rose” but could not count to five.
I met a man who could recite PI to one thousand decimal points but could not find a rhyme for love nor money
I met a man who laughed at every thing that wasn’t funny I met another who cried for ever because he was happy
and another who laughed at his pain and one who lost all he’d gained I met a man who sailed the ocean blue in search of pastures blue
He told me he was searching for the “begining of the end” so I sold him a postcard and he nailed it to the mast then I stepped into his past and went to meet his King who was laying on the ground whilst his bodyguards around put the boot into him like L.A. droogs with Rodney King history just sings endlessly repeating itself forever shedding it’s skin cleansing the kin thinning and culling and making a date with SIN…… ……..ACTIC FOLLY
I met a woman who remembered what life was like before Adam I met a woman whose hair scattered rainbows everywhere as she danced in the moonlight I met a woman who was me and she set me free I met a man who could measure words to the nth degree he taught me heresy and how to pray and how to give it all away then he asked me to pay for HIS fathers crimes so I said “NO WAY” and later that day he tied me to the wheel but I refused to feel and I swore to heal the wounds of my inquisitor
Well I met a man who said “I khan unite all the nomads on the land” he said “I’ll lay it all to waste and the rivers shall taste worse than ****** waste” so I went to see my Mother to ask if there was any other WAY to gain an extra day? as the climate starts to sway She said “have your say…. …..then be on your way”
Well I met a man and he taught me how to surf on the crust of molten magma and I met a little boy who taught me the joy of playing in inner space
Well I met a man from the future travelling back in time who said “excuse me Mr. RHYME?” “…but I’ve come from a time where wrappers are disposable parts of a product” “careful how you juggle your verbs and your vowels may get you into trouble” so I burst his bubble with a “sword” that I drew from my grandmothers sock which came as a shock to the “thought police” who were waiting in the street with their “crosswords” COCKED and their ’double entendres “ primed looking for some crime of the cerebral kind
but I met this woman who said ” climb into my body and come with me to the Ancesters tree so I climbed aboard and I clung on tight as her body rose to the highest height and she showed me what might or might not come to pass then she lowered me down by the hem of her gown called me her “linguistic clown” which made me frown as I looked all around to see where she’d gone and a voice from the past said “look inside your head she is not dead haven’t you read a word that you’ve said?”
I met a woman who scattered rainbows from her hair I met a woman who was me and she set me free