I have curtains over my eyes You can’t see them, But I know that they’re there
They don’t allow my eyes to close and open, But they allow me to decide what I should truly let into my perception
In the back of my mind, there is a shelf It holds memories from a long time ago
These memories are how I remember And they are how others forget who I am
In my throat, you will find a trap door It’s locked and not even I have the key
Sometimes it opens to let in a breath of fresh air, Yet it closes when it deems it most safe
Buried down in my heart is a stone It weighs me down and holds many things
I can’t pick the stone up to see what’s there But I know something that heavy must hold something important
My brain has become a home of my imagination My body is now a place where anatomy is obsolete
I only hold objects and things that I can never see And never touch So that when one day when I fade away, there will be nothing left for anyone to find