For the longest time I could not find compassion in my frenzied mind for any of my past selves.
Now, as I recall the gloom of a sun bare room, where the curtain swept back and forth like a broken broom brushing up more dust for all of us to inhale,
the thin spindles of spider webs above my head whilst I lie in bed contemplating how bad I wished that I was dead,
the late night runs as If I thought I could escape from the pain that would always come,
the hours of lifting weights because of my lack of self-love,
of reading for hours straight to dull and distract myself from that longing ache that made me break when I would wake in tears,
all those years passed and I have forgotten the pain that my isolation brought on.
I was so cruel and unforgiving, angry and unrelenting in my self-loathing and former forms of self-flagellation.
Time plus distance has lessen the intenseness of those moments, and I have found more temperance in my temperament, allowing myself enough room to finally forgive him, the person who I have not been for over ten to twenty years.