Sadly, we so very selfish are; know this you, it's not new.
By man, if not needed, God would be discarded too.
We worship Him, more so, because we need him.
That's why, of my poem; today, this is the theme.
Think and let me know, if He granted us everything,
what would be our tendency, in His praise how many would sing?
Our very own example let us first take;
Introspect, think n truthfully a decision make.
Truthfully, from the bottom of your heart, decide, dear ladies and gents.
Why do we, our children love more than we love our parents?
Our parents so much have done for us, so selflessly.
Worked for our wellbeing they have endlessly.
Yet when we have to choose between both; opt we, for our children. Why?
Sadly it's almost always our children, say this I with a sigh!
Delve deep down; into your heart; not just at the crust.
Like it or not, accept this bitter fact we must.
Similarly, think deeply; if you had everything you desired;
Would you love God as much, or of prayers you would be tired?
Your answer need not be to anyone, revealed;
In your own heart, you can keep it sealed.
Armin Dutia Motashaw