Excuse the voices that must exclaim declarations some find brash asking nothing except the need to exist with measured peace false positives defy a mood pretending more with every breath this shallow void without reference to the needs of outside pain
criticism is sadly seen as negative or purely bad even when the angst is real survival asking nothing less the pundits howl with despair that their fears are confirmed if only in their trembling minds denying truth of mankind
the judgment cast seems extreme when their victims seek relief first to defend and then explain without the need to be nice that measurement of the meek that oppressors insist upon do no favors in response to injustice asking more
sage opinions are attacked as detriment to interchange between two parties set apart by understanding in short shrift the brave speak into that gap anger present without reserve demanding change where others flinch against the barbs of harsh critiques.
The poem “Against the Barbs” was inspired by a Twitter post that stated in part, “(statements like) 'criticism makes you bad and negative' scare me, because what they actually mean is keep your opinions to yourself and let the thing go unchallenged or face social consequences.” I agree this is the implied statement. In response, activism has a place, if only to both defend and educate. We are good. The larger world may believe otherwise, even as it asks us to accept false judgments.