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May 2019
It's A love affair
When I think of this peace inside
The entire world around WE
Couldn't possibly equate US
Juztuz peanut headz Jordanz
With Fieldz of sweet and sour
Perry Saphire blossoms
Roze one more day
Gifted with the Rizingz
Of the only sunz son
Gave birth to none
Mothers many
Daughterz I have a plenty
That juzt means I'm blessed
And I'm loathingly loved at times
That's just how daughters and Mothers do! It was not supposed
To be us in this blissful hellish
Chaoticly beautiful mess
WE call family
But in the mean time
WE ALL are fine. Justus
No measurements in time
Created to be yours
Far longer than forever
Az you mi amore are mine...
Written by
Gr8Ryzyngz  88/F/Da World
(88/F/Da World)   
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