Despite cosmetic surgery to stave inevitable demise cheating grim reaper indefatigable measures undertaken buzzfeeding mortal legacy bajillion dollar industry remaining eternally
youthful cold comfort knowing eventual degradation conquers biological aging, yet open casket bestows approving nods upon aesthetic corpse denouncing any telltale evidence rigor mortis stole
once hearty life source attested by tranquil poise, albeit deathly stillness former body electric forever quiet among the mourning crowded house impossible mission to still flowing tears
emotionally poignant moment onlookers suddenly ever acutely aware their demise guaranteed, an inalienable pact linkedin with birthright, this scribe ponders figuratively digging unearthing morbid
fascination with afterlife, yet neither hastening mine demise, neither fearing, protesting, nor ululating unproductive futile entreaty against transient fleeting consciousness, asper one carbon based
entity, who wonders if other creatures great and small revile, (or perchance question) authority, vis a vis temporarily bequeathing forces procreative and subsequently terminal, maybe other
species less insightful meditating being gifted with sense and sensibility without pride nor prejudice to speculate, deliberate, articulate...regenerative processes that eventually co opt breathing, functioning,
longing versus pensive postulating post mortem phenomena, pinging noggin within noggin of one weatherbeaten, haggard, cadaverous **** sapien in truth...he admits being petrified, what...whereat
lapsing millenniums found yours truly cursed by Gorgons remaining forever stone cold harboring no recollection about livingsocial enjoying good n plenti
"FAKE" experiences trumpeting conspiracy theories – fools like me (rush'n), where angels fear to tread including collusion explaining my ill fate.