Sometimes I wonder if I'm good enough for your love Like a missing ingredient to the best batch of cookies, I'm looking for something between us that I fear isn't whisking in your veins Stir, stir Passion is a rare ingredient Often improvised with lust But passion is the concrete between our building blocks of what's US It's the egg whites holding everything else together And yet this egg isn't cracking This flower isn't blooming Or is it in my mind? Am I thinking too much? The looking glass of social media only steals happiness while we compare strangers to a timeline that isn't now It isn't now And while I'm asking myself "why did he publicly debut her presence in his life but not me?" Stir, stir. Remind yourself of the kiss you shared on your couch in your dim candlelit apartment when he kissed you. REALLY kissed you. Yeah. Remember that? Passion is a rare ingredient and I'm just cracking the egg