To be honest I can't believe we actually exist sometimes Look around you Our history is so tainted with blood and lies such unforgiving sin that we forget so easily by We have enslaved each and one another all in the name of being better than the other
It's pure madness We've fought against each other Killing our own race, our own brother Without a second to spare
It's scares me sometimes and honestly If the planet could only speak It would want us all to listen Listen to it as it pleas us to work together To end this cycle of pain and suffering Before we all disappear entirely
the sad thing is the universe above us with all the stars and galaxies won't even notice at all if we suddenly disappear into the darkness of the abyss We our a tiny smudge hidden in the universes mist That in all of universal history we are closer to the fall
I even battle with my own existence and realize that it's just utter MADNESS...