We all make a lot of noise hoping someone will hear us even the most demure has her own din, voice thrown into the mouth of a cave as she pushes the lid down tight from within Her unremarkable voice still leaks as easy as breathing, as brittle as tin Or like me: banging around a cage a self-made cell not so much iron but a filigreed and diaphanous hell In the present: I drag these clenched jaws behind me, like a ticker tape stuck to my ankles and toes like wedding cans and bells stuck in the throes of a big hot noise of celebration melted into concrete and bouncing down empty halls of frozen woes, tired toes and somewhere my feet keep the clutched rhythm of me if and only if: sunk below the sill at the crack of dusk what remains in a husk and I wave from my paned pain, silent on the outside but what a racket from within p.s: dear sir you did nothing but throw me out having once taken me in