Time gone by e'er since being quiet natured boy, more so nowadays declare exhausting countless hours expending, extolling, and exuding prufuse joy, no surprise, asper experiencing passion, sans reading (select age appropriate material as a lad in
make believe world) still bespectacled bright eyed and bushy tailed, (most absolutely definitely agog) accentuating, expanding vis a vis jabbering (within privacy afford double one bedroom apartment B44) erudition enthusiastically verbalizing printed material
in general, and exercising vocal cords aloud, not cuz I admire krispy, raspy whispery voice particular, but hearing and seeing appealing genres (mine, though morse *** published authors especially informational) purportedly not "FAKE" news incorporating sounding
out plus seeing words supposedly reinforces learning, yet another less obvious pleasure (exclusive domain availed primarily thru thesaurus brethren i.e. yepper alphabetized lexicon, otherwise known as dictionary) offers insight learning esoteric etymological minutiae
(just as quickly forgotten), which historical evolution finds me temporarily linkedin both audiologically and visually regarding forebears, (essentially transporters thru numberless centuries) unwittingly, unknowingly, unequivocally mumbling, modifying, massaging ever
evolving pronunciations sustaining communication as living entity sustained throughout avast misty age pre seeding impressing symbols (whether twenty six letters of English language) upon tangible medium spurring
linguists to surmise aural and oral characteristics, and no doubt searching complex edifice contemporary alive tongues exhibited taking page from legacy of lingua franca no longer extant.