Methinks I inadvertently got entangled without deliberate intent, sans whirled wide web, albeit courtesy of yours truly, who (flattered upon at least one maybe more'n one subscriber click-
king regularly regarding posts this scribe electronically broadcast) unwittingly, me violated unspoken/unwritten breach of considerable proportion, which singular impetus arose spontaneously to transmit
(without said dude indulging crude, lewd, ****... offensive faux pas), that hopefully doth newt engender an unstoppable feud (tantamount as if purely innocent motive capital one offence) pseudo cryptic allusion
to female - only referenced her boat oxe screen name took objection hinting at my appreciation by acknowledging humorous indirect linkedin pleasantries at appealing to inquisitiveness about this generic garden
variety **** sapien, (he just learned how to walk ***** this morning), but much ado about nothing, asper comedy of errors this harmless by George run of the mill on the floss imp pond durable bard, she (naturally
squared the circle, a laudatory feat), perhaps concluded, aye tried iterating what appeared as theorem (from unpublished recently disc hovered "FAKE" testament, sans Matthew), and of course no ambition arises to hire any
gumshoe - well worth his polyisobutylene in chiclets will be pursued, but loose vicious bloodhounds after this doggone muttering ole **** holding him hostage within his oh zone unnaturally square cage.