Consider why we react when the differences are well known around for longer than those alive on the two sides of the line opinions differ naturally every vein is there to see don’t dismay at this fact instead react at danger's sign
words have been put aside now the fists will provide dialogue of the end times while the demons cackle loud or perhaps they’re twisted round weaponized into lies with all meaning hollowed out what’s left behind takes only life
all intent has been lost to disagree with forethought in that place the hate forms debate discarded for only harm when victory begs scorched earth the meek cannot abide waiting to be struck down sacrificed with cold regard
consider the motives that destroy power is often at their core without regard for purity except to rule in solitude no longer happy to dissent voice a quarrel without blood now the conflict has progressed to win it all at swords’ edge.
The poem “At Swords’ Edge” is about the vocal reactions to abortion heartbeat laws. A societal disagreement about abortion has transformed into life-threatening and disempowering edicts born from religious zeal.