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May 2019
religion is comfort
to some
religion is kind
to some

religion is pain
to some
religion is rude
to some

religion is uncomfortable
to me
religion is saddening
to me

to be in a church
with people i don't and never will know
a recital, a show
'not religious' they say

and yet the elegant white arches
and the soft red velvet
and the books, so many books
they could be used to educate

and yet the riches of this church
are used for the rich already
and not for the kids
the kids who want to learn
not pray
the kids who want to leave
not stay
i just want to learn piano,
i say

no, 'its not religious'
they always say
if its 'not religious'
then why won't you let me walk away
i had to play in a church for a piano recital and it was ~uncomfy~ so here
Written by
vdeoc  14/F
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