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May 2019
The machine is taking over
Indavidualty is being lost
Everyone acts the same
Everyone looks the same
Everyone moves the same

The machine is taking over
Like a well oiled peice
The true self is no more
Only the machine is left
The true self lost
Lost in the crowd
Lost in the void
Lost to the world

Steping in time with everyone else
Marching to the same
Rythme and beat
Even eyes blinking
At the same time
All one mind
All one soul
All one thought

No more fun
No more free spirits
The machine will not allow it
No more free thinkers
No more joy
The machine is stern in its ways

The indavidual now part of a system
A system that demands control
A system that demands loyalty
Loyalty or death
That is how the machine works

The indavidual no longer free
Free to think
Free to be themselves
Free to learn and laugh
Freedom is lost
Just as the indavidual is lost
Now part of the machine
Written by
Tony Anderson  40/M/Humansville Missouri
(40/M/Humansville Missouri)   
   --- and Mack
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