Today, someone rang my bell. For the first time in two years, my first thought was,
"I wonder who that could be?"
Prior to this day, --Oh, this glorious, beautiful day!-- A ringing bell was an emergency siren met with dread and fear, A signal for full alert, always accompanied by that feeling of impending doom; Screaming out from the pores of my skin--
"Where can I hide?!"
I'm sure you can't understand or even possibly relate. You, with your normal life. You, who feel safe within your home. You, who think nothing of the buzzing of a bell, nothing but happy anticipation.
Today, I had a normal reaction to a very normal occurrence. And I felt victorious.
Today, I felt surging within me something akin to hope, Something that bubbled up inside of me, shouting out, *"Yes, you can and will live life again."