Sleeplessness Brought to you by sparkling espresso in a can I have underestimated you yet again, oh humble coffee bean But back to work Eight tabs open, going back and forth It's nothing short of a miracle if any given task is given more than a minute of attention at a time Muscle spasms, trembling, fascinating Overwhelming urge to mindlessly flex the muscles I don't have Fake machissimo brought about by exhauation? Or the exhileration of having to complete 8 projects in a day While simultaneously trying to grasp a breaking down of my mind which hasn't happened since...forever Hmm These are the prime conditions to breed a taxing marathon of productivity Or a chain of costly impulsive decisions to perpetuate procrastination. Signs that someone is going crazy range from ****** to inability to stick to a single topic to excessive use of run on sentences "How meta, acknowledging your insanity deconstructs the very notion of it if you normalize it within yourself and just look as everyone else as crazy! Ha.ha." That made no sense, i don't think. I like using big words to make myself sound smart you can make anyone believe anything if you use big words also it scares those Hippopotomonstroesquipedaliophobixlcs Grumble grumble Good night/morning/whatever