I returned regretfully back to the safety now despised a hardened prison without bars except for those now self-imposed don't ask where I've been a quick jaunt across the way where reality was not bent twisted round to accommodate
now I'm back among the flock genuflecting at their prompt while staring at the hated walls wishing I could fly above normatives strung as barbwire invisible to the larger crowd slicing skin to the bone flaying spirit with fixed resolve
there was a time in the past six fathoms deep if an inch I felt the same as the rest that was then before the now these prisoners in the net content as fish in water's span knowing nothing as they breathe while I drown in the same depths
the dust is kicked from the feet joined by comforts put aside identity gained is sadly lost or merely shelved for a later time until I trek once again I'll live in dimness until that day remembering freedoms across the way apart from chains I'll soon shed.