Ah...respite relished sleeping like a baby, variations on theme I iterate impossible to stave of sleepiness, nor advantageous to struggle against weight of heavy eyelids akin to bajillion tons of freight
after squeezing out every iota of energy, whether mental or physical exhaustive state subsequently pleasurable surrendering into realm where unpredictable self portrait, where pleasant dreams await a personalized vividly dynamic
realm, where consciousness doth abdicate analogous to A Stop at Willoughby Season 1; Episode 30 of Twilight zone May 6, 1960 - Original air date though evocative images fill mindscape, I immediately forget conglomerate
sans, illusory wonderful world potential motherlode, did create a bittersweet dire straight, asper this aspiring scrivener REM recall equals absolute zero no matter awakening eye designate natural process this body to facilitate
transitioning to formulate after juncture of adequate time ample restoration did satiate yours truly revelled within tete a tete among "FAKE" persons mine unconscious did amazingly, gracefully, and inexplicably generate.