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Jun 2019
Eli lived alone

In a normal neighborhood.

She dressed up for work

Like any person would.

She fixed her hair,

Put on her clothes,

And her door

She closed.

She went to work,

Then she came back.

She got to her door,

And almost had an anxiety attack.

Her door was unlocked.

She stopped mid-thought

She slammed open the door,

And was distraught.

Her furniture.

Her clothes.

Her food and drink.

All of it was gone.

Eli could barely think.

She checked her phone

Quickly scrolling through her apps,

Finally finding the one

That controlled all her traps.

She opened it quickly

And rewound the tape

And while watching it

What had happened started to take shape.

A robber had flown through her house

Using false wings

Went in and out quickly

And taken all of her things

Her food,

Her drink,

Her kitchen sink,

Her shoes,

Her clothes,

Her old photos.

Everything was missing.

Nothing could be replaced.

Eli just sat in the middle of the room,

With anguish on her face.

Eli thought about what had happened.

“It will never be the same

There’s nothing I can do and

What I have lost, I can never regain.”

“And because

That is true

There is nothing

That I can do.”

She went to her father,

Feeling like a disgrace.

And told him what happened,

As he watched her with a straight face.

He looked at her angrily and said,

“You left the door open,

So, it's all your fault.

The person who robbed you

did nothing wrong.”

She stared at him in disbelief

“But-,” She started.

“Say no more.  

There will be no debate.

You did wrong,  

so, you must accept your fate.”

She opened her mouth to respond,

But quickly closed it.

This was her father,

So, she had to submit.

Eli thought about what happened

As her father threw a fit

“It’s my fault that it happened and

I deserved it.”

“And because

That is true

There is nothing

That I will do.”

Her father sent her off,

With a satisfied smirk.

He was very glad

That his talk had worked.

Eli went on with life,

But it was never the same.

She roamed a barren wasteland,

Not a thing to her name.

As she was sitting at a corner,

She saw the robber roaming around town.

But, remembering what her father had said,

Did nothing but look on with a frown.

The robber glanced around quickly,

Then nodded his head.

He ran to the door of a house,

And Eli’s stomach filled with dread.

Eli quickly thought about what had happened.

It can never be the same for me,

But everyone else

Should be carefree.

“And because

That is true

There is something

That I should do.”

Eli pointed to the robber

And yelled as loud as she could

“This person is up to no good!”

Everyone around her

Turned to look.

At the person at the door

Who acted like a crook.

Before she was going to speak

Her mind became like frost.

The words of her father started to creep:

“You left the door open,

So, it's all your fault.

The person who robbed you

did nothing wrong.”

She shook her head.

Her father had lied.

It was him who was unjustified.

She spoke out,

Loud and clear,

“This person has done terrible things

And he is someone that we should fear.”

“Don’t listen to her!”

The robber squawked.

“What I’m doing isn't wrong-

Their door is unlocked!”

“If your door is unlocked,

Then you are just asking to be robbed.

I’m not doing anything wrong!”

The robber sobbed.

“What do you mean

‘Nothing wrong?’

What you are doing is evil,”

Eli said while others nodded along.

“You took all my things

That I can never replace

Now, I’m stuck out here

In this wretched place.”

“You should have kept your door locked”

The robber responded.

Eli rolled her eyes

But the motion was unseconded.

Others in the crowd started to agree

And started chanting.

Some screamed their opinions

And others started ranting.

They argued and argued

All through the day

And all the while

The robber slipped away.

“This fighting does nothing,”

Eli said with sadness.

Then the crowd hushed

And gone was the madness.

Eli thought about what happened.

It will never be the same for me,

But everyone else

Deserves to be carefree.

“And because

That is true

There is still something,

That I must do.”

Eli gathered the crowd

And they traveled together.

To the police station

Like birds of a feather.

She told the police

What had occurred.

She gave them evidence,

And they were assured.

The police tracked the robber

And brought him to a cell,

Threw him in quickly

And in the robber fell.

And even though the robber was in jail.

And even though he couldn’t get bail.

And even though Eli got the justice she deserved.

And even though her dignity was preserved.

Eli sat and thought about what had happened.

“It could never be the same

All I can do, I have done, but

All that I have lost, I will never regain.”

She sobbed, “And even though

That is true

I guess I will just have

To try and make do.”

This was an allegory of ****** Assault.
Written by
   Josephine Wilea
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