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Aug 2019
Tired eyes
Are you okay
Forced smile
I'm fine
Are you sure
Fake laugh
No you're not
Fading facade
How do you know
I've been there
That same look
The tired eyes
Forced smile
Fake laugh
I wore it so well
For so long
I can recognize it
In an instant
So tell me what's wrong
Perhaps I can help
Or if you don't want to tell me
I'll just stay by your side
Till your eyes are energized
Your smile, no longer forced
And your laugh is real
Then and only then
Must I leave
To find another who needs me
Though I won't truly be gone
As you can always call
On me when you need
A shoulder to cry on
Or a friend to talk to
Just know I'll always
Be there for you
Because I don't want
You to drown
I don't want you to become
What they let me become
I wrote this while ago and it's been saved as a draft here for a while so I thought it was time to make this one public as well
brandy hall
Written by
brandy hall  25/F
   Em MacKenzie
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