Most recent orbitz upon oblate spheroid launched dawning consciousness, of this android hood doth dream of electric sheep, perhaps one named Dan Aykroyd Yes - band aid together with Blues Brothers
adept at performing renditions, sans Pink Floyd, asper where soul asylum hoop fully sent precariously perched upon an asteroid as aye trundled mine third score journey around nearest star hearkening greater intent
for this nasal twanging, which annoyed me as a kid (split uvula courtesy scapegoat) bullies zeroed in (kamikaze like) destroyed (thoroughly good) mine self esteem puncturing psyche whole life, asper yours truly
(long stretched his mein kampf) never enjoyed, now long since dismissed from class, or rather painstakingly, sluggishly, woefully zipped along analogous to an amoeboid arriving at present juncture (at the outer
limits of the twilight zone) often plaque tracking, via blunt, fingerlike, lobose diploid pseudopods, and tubular mitochondrial cristae eventually brink king edge of devoid of eternal night and nothingness
in tow with existential demise unavoid double vision, emasculating spectacle embarrassment to fellow protozoa, this vignette by the way...a "FAKE" factoid but came to in a flash while deployed
in an effort to craft inane rhyme, no reason either that or share ****** hemorrhoid verse (barely appropriate material) for alien, foreigner or humanoid,
thus confabulating prevarication to entertain, kibbitz, regale with overactive imagination not jest prominent among Mongoloid, but storytelling evident with Caucasoid and Negroid.