people don’t understand how hard it is to live like this to live with different personalities due to the fact that these diseases get to choose how they want to they want to express themselves . when they want to ruin my relationship when they want to hinder me from growing and thriving when they want to ruin my life it is not fair though one thing that these illnesses have taught me is that although they cause me to be broken and battered , i am stronger than anyone who crosses my path because i am alive and i am surviving and anyone who feels as if i am horrible because these three consume me imagine thinking someone is horrible because of a chemical imbalance an insufficiency of a product that should cause me an abundance of happiness but in its absence, causes me pain and agony so before you decide to call someone crazy or insane really think about the possibility of them being born with something that they do not want and shouldn’t as it is the reason the wish they weren’t born at all - anna c.