Extant autobiography devoid of livingsocial, I berate whatsapp pining now resultant outcome coping poorly did create courtesy, sans avast kindled linkedin self denigrate
predicated series of unfortunate events buzzfeeding ill fate capital one after another pinterest newpages writers block did generate countless blank pages interspersed with scrawled sentences untrained great
fully dreadful bully heavable box scarred tortured letters humiliate head arabesques twisted abc's... ...xyz's, a field day for graphoanalyst, wrought cribbed hand did obviously illustrate chicken scratch inferiority complex intimate
lee evinced worthlessness, intimidate dead visibly withdrawn frightened undersized lad meek nasality intonate head out button nose invalidate ding any professed parental love adopted, believed, coaxed...
hermetically sealed inviolate coda sustaining purposelessness reinforced silence no matter irate, when glared, jeered, mocked,... defenseless scapegoat remained isolate internalizing harassment groveling
bowed boy smarting as hectoring did lacerate quotidian repeated bajillion times hence, where death could liberate academic, demonic, horrific struggle, now unable to shuck off residual emotional fallout thru poems literate
attempt to expunge counterproductive thoughts smoldering like kindling gray matter festered toxicity did marinate skool of hard knocks did matriculate pharmacological cornucopia doth mitigate in tandem with therapy delivers soul asylum, a theme yours truly often doth narrate.