The dance demands the truth presented for all to see by the garb or makeup's charm each a bless destiny imagined against the inner screen fabrics spun upon a frame then projected to the world without regret if there’s concern
not the costumes of the day or the night in their stead falsified for safety’s sake hope sacrificed as consequence when the real is forced to hide with survival then at stake behind normality of the whole losing all including hope.
costumes left at the door along with masks that are deplored these are truths some refuse when the rest are confused the constrained is surely ****** by the masses that don’t condone the quest to find so much more then a bond to the wrong clothes
garments are meant to affirm when the tunes are evoked to share the beauty felt within heedless of reaction’s tongue they know not of the quest instead a vision is expressed when conviction includes a goal of apparel to state the whole.