Ambiguity within mine doodling Yankee mind that arises, asper current hoopla harrumphing American Civil War statues, which verbal/written spat
particularly regarding southern generals (many atop horses) arouses call to arms whereat, excited curiosity possibly twill incite dangerous extraneous, mutinous, treasonous *** for tat
promulgation exhuming ghosts abolitionists of Dead Poets Society screeching like a wildcat signaling resumption, sans war between the states recruiting every able bodied proletariat
after well nigh one hundred fifty four plus years, which repurpose sing reformat might transform mine humdrum friggin existence into one enviable secretariat,
where these ears will hear constant ratatat, when bombardiers din temporarily doth pause scampering atop rampart analogous to polecat
espying the freshly minted "enemy" unconcerned if maneuvers induce pitapat cuz resumption of battle will drown, this weasel granted leeway within Union Schwenksville, Pennsylvanian nonfat spry old man confident fighter
despite civilian life extant, viz noncombat acclimated to rustic/primitive conditions honest to dog abode comprised thatched hut housed within mudflat
only during rainfall rigging makeship shower plus laundromat counting lucky stars kismat blessed without necessity to whip out handy dandy hemostat, thus yours truly ready for action
quite content nsync within no man's land habitat linkedin with nearest battalion via microchip embedded within noggin rock solid as hardhat genetically modified lest
Johnny Rebel lob brickbat also on lookout against swampy hungry creatures, thence I will ****** these lovely bones akin to acrobat.