You've been there for me since I've been a kid. Swearing, crying, screaming, and denying and yet here we are look at what we did. Laughing, loving, and hope. After all the hatred and peace you've been there helping over the skills to officially cope. Poetry I love you because you've never let me down. I can honestly say I'm proud. I'm sorry recently it's all been dark. I promise you it's all real and painful but thank you for listening to me. This break up really put me down physically and mentally. We've been together for 2 1/2 years and after the break up we still did couple ****. Kisses and I Love Yous was still a part of it. Please have her come home to me, because our life has a future together sad to say not everyone can agree. She said I'm officially done but I can't find myself to leave. Poetry thank you for listening because writing my **** out has been there for me since I was a kid. I am now suffering and my writing is a true friend no I take that back writing is family and it is something I'll never give up because we've been together since I was a kid.