Nights like this when the sun goes down the darkness comes quietness sets in and I am left with my own thoughts flashbacks play in my head I think about all the things that are my fault I think about the night bone met marble the night teeth met flesh all of the repressed memories seem to surface like a molding body emerging from the pits of the ocean only to remind anyone who's paying attention that it is still there except nobody knows no one is aware of the body except the ocean the ocean bears the weight of the body all on its own though the weight it bears seems minimal compared to its vastness the ocean appearing strong is quaking as it struggles to hold the massive weight of the body which is lifeless the ocean trying its hardest to use its waves to hopefully carry the body away and bring the body under the mellow waters the body almost like a sponge is soaking up water and becoming heavier its soaking up the attributes of the ocean and almost becoming the ocean itself the body mimicking the actions of a sponge getting larger and larger as it begins to consume more of the ocean then it becomes heavy the body has become overconfident it doubted the strength of the ocean the body sank all the way back to the pits where it came from the whole time the body was calmly floating at the surface no one seemed to notice the struggle the ocean was going through but the ocean overcame the memories but I, the ocean, still continue to hold onto the memories, they didn't disappear they just didn't overcome me