I know the monster I know them well They hide deep inside me Where,I can't tell.
I have to obey the monster down deep Or he will come,with a debt that is steep Of payment I must pay with the pain I must feel I know I know Its not real
But the monster has a way of making it seem Almost almost real but not quite I've dealt with it so long I don't put up the fight
I wait until my sanity is gone and ripped Then try and repair with little is left.
The monster comes and destroys all I have with me The pain feels almost real but not quite It makes you feel like your going insane and in a tight Box that keeps shrinking Slowly,you stop thinking Of what pain you keep enduring. You just take it and shut up.
Its what the monsters wills you to take up after all.
The human brain can create unfathomable pain Make the gunshot feel like a light pinch in comparison to what it can do. It can make it feel like a demon is possessing you and taking away your right to control your own body.Because your brain can remove your control of your body.Force you to do what you don't want to,all the while your that small,far away voice shouting and pleading