O but tainted thou wert with grief, as a thunder entrapped thy leaf. In t'is corner doth I just weep- as canst I afford no more sleep.
Like a songbird t'at leaveth its nest; canst I not put myself to rest. Ah, without th' tunes of thy sound feet- t'ese rainbows sooneth begineth to fleet!
How could my pleasure nature cheat! Trembling wasth I, with gentle wit! As I dressed up for thee back then; and combed my black hair by pale hand.
But thou wert just nowhere to find! Ah! T'at evilness which made thee blind! Its vicious trap hath left thee bare; in yon bland middle of nowhere!
I longed to greet and console thee; as thou sang loud and sat by me! Burying thee in my *****; Lent thee kisses 'till thou felt warm!
And coaxed thee as thou laughed out free- with sparks of gentle flattery! Ah! Thy eyes full of sheer mystery, black and as deep as harmony.
And whispereth would I to thy ear- t'at I love thee more every day. T'ere would we lay gladly so near- with passions t'at never decay.
Ah! How t'ose phantoms now lurk away! But why still hath I noneth to say?- Th' moment I frequent'd thy den; Thou wert still not seen safe back then!
Thin wasth th' vapoured grass outside; with clips of smile astretched wide! But canst I only sob in dire gloom; with red lights crowding in my room.
O, I miss thee now-I want thee now! But to meet thee I can't see how- Thy by her charms, and in her arms- t'at harlot that canst feign thy warmth!
Ah, t'is imprisonment I cherish For some time it might bringst me bliss! But still it's thy portrait I kiss- which I pursued by secret wish!
Love, bestoweth t'is chance on me once more! To sweet-talk with thee like afore- just as though there's no tomorrow; meet me downstairs when no-one shows!
And t'is poem I compose in blue; with despair in my lonely heart. To assureth me t'at thou be true, and we shalt never be apart!
O, it's thee t'at I yearn for, my love; like th' stars to th' moon above. And hail I t'ese complications- as wings to our destinations.