Stagecoach trundled, rutting, wheels Soily grasp, grabbing at the earthy recipe Cart....horsing around the outdoorsiness Ferris wheel spun, gathering passengers To overlook the show ground, smattered Four legged races, saddled with encumbents Bobbing in display formation. Far above I caught sight of circular ribbons emblazoned Lapels holding onto prize winners, suffering The pin ***** jabbing at willing winners Left foot first, hopscotch to the flap of tarpaulin Billowing their precious overgrown greatness Of perfect vegetalia, proud, excessive....of the Dinner plate variety. Don't touch their polished Surface, they deliberately await photographic Validation; future growers, challenging champion Chompers, terrorising super-veggie heros I wonder what becomes of former ground growers Do they take a back stage bow? Uprooted with Those of a lesser kind, jostling for saucepan space