Somehow it's always the people that are most alone who know the most about people
here's one undeniable fact: all of them, everybody, everyone loves and seeks constantly to get high
the loners will drink and pretend to meditate and the social ones will party and **** and the dull minded will explain how smart they are and the truly intelligent will turn sadistic and the ugly ones will be more outgoing and the pretty ones will get knocked up more
the rich will buy the children of the poor as *** slaves and the poor will fill plastic bags and balloons with feces and would leave them in the sun and will inhale the vapors The middle class will seek more friends, acquaintances, relationships, dealers, promotions, real estate, festivals, explosions. They will always love explosions of any kind, the bigger and louder the better
and the young boys will think of old girls and bully other young boys to assert dominance and both those things will get them hard and high on hormones
politicians will aim to imitate the rich and poets will aim to imitate the poor
rich singers will sing of how poor they are and poor singers will sing of how they came from rags to riches and those with a small ***** will buy a huge car and short people will be more aggressive and the losers will shout "It's not a contest, you guys..." and the women of high pride will adopt one more cat. Forty-two should be enough, right? The most outrageous ideologists will buy megaphones, collect them
weak men will brag about owning weapons and the right to use them
the youth will talk to each other before seeing each other and the girls will want to know how tall the boy is and the boy will ask how much the girl weights and then he'll be hated so much, so passionately And the smart girls will use dating to get free drinks and meals And the people who play games will turn to suicide when the artists who design characters won't do something exclusively for them, "I want this character to act like she loves me back!"
the women who love to travel will be accused of loving to travel because they secretly wish they got *****
the most valuable of people will become those who get famous precisely for having no talent and everyone will want to invest in them so the masses will see them and feel a bit better about themselves No one wants to support the superior but all laugh when the inferior acts royal
and "how do you *******?" the journalists will ask the interviewed hermit
Why are there no hermit women? Are there no women hermits?
Look, those big companies are fighting over the right to lie to the population
fake fake Fake
Knowledge is not power anymore The ability to escape the loop is and they who are not even caught in the loop in the first place are gods