Maybe Nietzsche* told you the insignificant creature you are
But to me, you better believe, you are there along the lines
Among the lines of Love and Desperation
Right there Circling the strings of frustration To be better To be impressive
You better believe You are there Along the lines of my thoughts, songs and poems
I hope you understand the impression of you Like an imprint on the skin of my soul
The tint you leave on me It is no less meaningful than the trail left as beautiful scars
Whether your tint turns hurtful or pleasant I find Beauty in it
Like the tattoos you got Or the one you wish for And the ones yet to occur
Whether your imprint turns regretful or satisfying It remains memorable
I hope you know You represent a moment in my Being**
So, take time to contemplate yours And remember You are impressive to me
*For a better understanding, read On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense by Friedrich Nietzsche ** Referring to Heidegger’s understanding of “Dasein” Read Being and Time by Martin Heidegger