Rule number one Don't be too fat, no one will like you But don't be too skinny because you will seem anorexic
Rule number two Complete seven hours of homework in one night, and study for 2 tests But also have a social life so that you will be cool amongst your peers And also get enough sleep
Rule number three you need to be there for that person listening them ranting on about their problems but do not expect them to care about yours
Rule number four Have a close friend Be loyal but do not come off as too clingy or they will leave you
Rule number five hold onto your virginity or else you will be called a ****, a *****, a player
but do have children in the future or else you will be called a ****** and you will constantly have the question of why you don't want to be a mother hanging over your head
These are the double standards that I live with every day of my life Seemingly so filled with impossibility that I'm convinced that I am not good enough