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Apr 2019
Cher once said that men were like a dessert
Luxurious but not a necessity

The man I loved was difficult
He was artificial
He never really saw me as a person
I was an item
An accessory
A thing he could wear for five minutes
When he grew tired of me
He would throw me to the side

Cher said
Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable.

In my rage I agree with her
He should have been disposable
Yet I couldn't breathe without him
It was like he attached himself to my heart
And when he left he ripped it from my chest
Leaving me hollow

Cher taught me to be independent
Cher taught me to take my strength and love and invest it in something worth more than a man.
Thank god for Cher
I love Cher
Luis Valencia
Written by
Luis Valencia  20/M/Hays Ks
(20/M/Hays Ks)   
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