My brain pushes everything into this big deal I drop my paint brush and.....its like I'm dying The end of the world Like left is left and right is right but what if left is actually right and right is actually left What if when it rains its just a count down in the amount of times its going to rain till the world ends. When I ***** up It's like I dont deserve to be on this planet Like my breath is a waste I'm a waste I burned the cookies I was supposed to make for my niece Shes going to feel left out Shes going to hate My brain thanks me every time i do something correctly Like thank god I can have a break from tearing myself apart. Oh look another mistake Better go jump off that cliff over there You have nothing better to do all you can do it ***** up I used my brand new markers the other day Now I cant use them anymore because then they will run out and I wont have them and they will be gone The bigger mistakes are even worse Like I torture myself to sleep because that just how this thing goes You know This "chemical imbalance" This brain of mine man Just wish I could have a break