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Apr 2019

A little bit of awareness, a wee bit of extra care;

Help me, join me, with me this willingly share.

Electricity has many advantages; count we here cannot.

But it creates heat n pollution, which increase should not.

Summer is here n cannot do without A/Cs and fans we, today.

But to use them judiciously, carefully there is a way.

Switching them off immediately is a way simple n great.

Until we return,  to keep them on we shouldn't wait.

Electronic devices produce extra heat, which we try must to reduce.

So help Nature, let us, and many jobs simultaneously fuse.

with the A/C water; grow n water plants; this cool will our Earth

Waste water from RO plants, drink can animals n birds, or use it at the hearth.

With a plate of this water, ice make n under the fan keep.

It will help cooling the room, recycling done can be; just flip

Reusing water, switching off lights, cars, can help to reduce heat

New little innovative ideas introduce, share; n this heat defeat.

JOIN ME in my endeavour important, with a beginning small.

Help spread the message to your friends, family one n all.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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