soft seas of white unbearable to the warmhearted for crystal chalices are containers frozen and unfeeling to the bitterness numbed by this climate and all wounds that freeze over are lethal to **** in your heat and for each spring that passes i await my demise but the winter before keeps me intact i dare not walk in your summer for surely that would be my end so if you reach out to me, love do not be crestfallen when i do not respond for i poured my nature into your hollow and was ambushed by your vacancy i have been collapsed and discharged by your fears for they mimic my own and though i have cultivated my courage you are still held back at the precipice of your qualms to you i must seem manic for i believe in love i follow my heart though it may lead to dark edges but you, forlorn by your vigilance stagger in your struggle to remain conscious unaware that your wick has been cut loose and failed to ignite the once blazing sparks of your brilliance i pity your heat for it has no place to burn and soon, it too will wither into ash and be set upon a pedestal that will restrain you there in the glaciers that have become your keep