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Feb 2013
I wallow in my own misery.
The taste of defeat is bitter sweet.
I drew the wrong card,
the wrong hand,
the wrong deck.

I don't know what is who,
who is what,
where is when,
when is where.

I know absolutely nothing.

The wolves howl tonight,
a constant, soothing hymn.
If I were to die tonight,
I would be happy where I am.

Because the barrel of the gun,
which rests in my mouth,
is cool enough to numb my pain,
and powerful...

Powerful enough to end this game.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio
Written by
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio  29/M/Salem, New Hampshire
(29/M/Salem, New Hampshire)   
   Anon C, Aikin The Deadman, --- and Julia
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