I yearn for sunlight on my skin And gentle breezes tainted With the salt that Splashes onto the Sandy shore to greet the Fragile toes of children That gaze at the horizon And wonder how far it goes. I need a sea that Will rock me carefully Within the soft cradle Of its light blues and Always remember that I need To come up for air. Baby, these waves are Becoming too much. They have forgotten Who I am. They pull me away from The sun And rejoice when I cry Only knowing that In that moment We are one in the same, As salt from my eyes finds its place within The navy violence. A sea of tears The embodiment of all My fears and sorrow and hurt, now lost. Unidentifiable and inseparable. These waters are becoming so Foreign to me. grasping my body as they consume me and forget that I am fragile and helpless Against their power. I need the security of Sand beneath my Feet. I need to learn to walk On my own again. I love the ocean But darling I am becoming sea sick