SHE She's so tall, so fair with gorgeous fine hair her smile is quick, sweet and free with lips made to please kissing with such ease her laughter will bring you glee
She's a green eyed lass delicate as glass precious from the start she's been touched with grace a cute, freckly face and a pure forgiving heart
HE He's tall with fine eyes hands just the right size he's very kind and thoughtful he walks with head high he talks with no lies having a soul so peaceful
With eyes of deep brown his smile calms you down he was created to charm using his sweet voice he'll make the best choice his motto "to never harm"
THEY They met on a flight attached at first sight for hours they held their fortune then the plane landed so they were candid caught up in their emotions
they were sure of this they shared their first kiss the next hours spent in rapture now choices to make wild chances to take together is their future
This is written in Alouette form 2 or more stanzas w/ syllable count of 557557 & rhyme scheme aabccb------Try it, it is lovely!!