a mini-veterinary seance... so my cat has a dread of fur, a dread so bad... that it suffocated all the possible fur out, and started eating away, embedding itself into his skin, exposing all the tender parts of it... i wrestled with him while i fried some left-over chicken with some ketchup, worcestershire sauce, cayenne pepper powder... chilli, garlic, onion... and two poached eggs... fiddly parts, these animal scrutinies beneath fur... i spent the next five minutes calming him, having found the problem, head on head, kneeling, him on the cupboard... listening to some classical music, forehead against the cranium, knelt, whatever prayer is really useless at this point... scribbled the problem on some napkins, left them to be read in the morning by the higher authority... UNDER THE FRONT LEFT LEG.. the dread became so bad is exposed fresh, red flush of skin... came back with a summary of frying beef stakes... medium-rare... what to eat what to eat... a honing device... poached eggs though... what a necessary "triviality"... nuance: bottoms' up! and down it goes... texture like... warming up a gulp's worth of an oyster... a strawberry instead of never biting the take on female genitals, but akin, shaped... yeah yeah... i'll get my prayer in there... while i just crack open the songs of Milton, among the fallen.