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Feb 2013
kneeled on tile floor
there's no sense
of pride
the blood won't
cough after
godforsaken cough
no idea where you are
and you come to realize
you don't even know
you are anymore
or how you got there
scared out of your mind
unable to move
praying someone
doesn't walk in
--wipe your
******* mouth, son,
you're a ******* disgrace--
look at me
all of this is wrong
but it doesn't stem the blood
try a sip of water
and your stomach
turns inside out
burning up your throat
torn by convulsions
broken down man
broken down and useless
and all you can bear to think
about as you
cough and cough again
wiping all that **** away
is just how badly
you need one more hit
Written by
Craig Verlin  San Francisco
(San Francisco)   
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