I think it would be amazing to be amazing, know what I'm saying? but instead my life is a struggle through which I'm straining leaving me mentally maimed. But avoiding the pain is just that- avoidance. And no longer will I turn negativity my blind eye I'm face to face inspecting the case and letting nothing go to waste. No more will I waste time counting my wasted time, I will speak my mind instead of thinking up wasted rhymes. If I could always forgive and never forget, that'd be a feat. I could see both sides of an argument in complete. Never is the reason for one the same as another For one no line or paying for cover while it's no entry for others and this difference based on status leaves me completely smothered. You silly simple slaves remove your cuffs and chains understand that you're all the same from your blood to your brains we all bleed the same stains, it's all blue inside our veins it's all lose when one gains its so complicated it's all plain. So listen little idiot is what I say in the mirror. If you try to be amazing an amazing you will appear. It's fine to aspire We all have our own desires but if you set your sights higher a greater you will transpire. Not based on who you admire you decide things for just you not your family or your crew you turn with your own *****. So listen up because the message here is along these lines If you go looking for a better you that's just what you'll find.