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Feb 2013
Do you see what I see?

The beauty of Nature'a scenery
Unable to be captured
By any camera or painting,
Technology cannot compete,
Cannot be that advanced
To imitate the sacred scene before me.
The human mind perceives and tries to store but even then will it fade to a vague memory
The essence of being in the moment
The wondrous awe
So inspirational, no words can do it justice
No painting can ever be that grand
Be close to that divine mystery of the moon before me
And the stars that beckon
The slowly receding daylight and over it, a deeper darker blue of a night sky that disappears in a split second.
This in-the-moment wonder
Captured in the people we meet
For the split but fleeting second of pure ******* emotion.
People see what I see
They have seen it many times over
Taken for granted
Never taking a moment to breathe once again and be dazzled for a second, third, fourth, hundredth time.
No time to appreciate,
No patience to stand still and see,
Of all the people , me, the busy body, the over thinker
The nonrisk taker
Of all the people to see , I was blessed to appreciate this wondrous beauty before
Religion faith values,
All stores in the beauty that is created whether by a hand or a random event
This is the portrait I wish to paint on every Wall house building
Paint it on every person so they can see what I see
The potential, the grace
The wisdom that the sky contains--

Do you see what I see?

A sky that is , regardless of whatever everyone thinks--believes--it should be
How it was made .
Desire to know all
When all it takes is to breathe
And look up, to get lost.

Lost forever.
Haven't written in awhile.
Written by
   Megan Renee and DieingEmbers
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