Bleeding from misleading arrows struck by the cherub bribed by you Rusted knives cut deep scarred and ditched after every weakness exposed Poisoned with streams of angelic lies poured on my life’s glass that once flowed with the light of the midnight sun A love you have shown… Defined ever after like there’s no end It felt real Emotions were filled yet doubts were the only certainties And as the mirror reflected the vagueness it all came to light… The world has fallen apart A storm brewed by my believing of your fabricated feathered wings I have fallen for your voices of dramas Lured me to open… Sacrificed innocent lambs like a fool’s offerings to false gods You embraced me as no one ever did but it was of cloaked deceit that stabbed the core of me I have been blinded by your radiance never seeing the shadow beneath your echoing beauty It was a love trying to end my breath A dagger that slits, a sliver in my sanity Bled with cries of despair that no one ever heard And after everything that has come to pass I walk in this nowhere Never knowing…