Those who study deep human relationships understand that therapists - Buscaglia and the like, have advice that, when heeded can ease the pain of our life’s loves.
They are apt to tout the benefits of “writing down the top ten reasons why you love that person” “and when the going gets rough, read the list” yadda – yadda More stuff like “you can’t love people the same - all the time, people change” blah – blah -blah “Remember to laugh and enjoy each other” and so on and so on ad nauseum
Rules were made to be broken so when the going gets tough, pull out “the twenty reasons why you should get the hell out of the relationship” Then when the going gets tough you can retreat gracefully knowing you “did the right thing”
It is because you cannont love people the same way – all the time due to the complexities of human nature and for when they turn their back on you, you get stood up and they tear-away the tears from your eyes, swill their double scotch and walk away
Somehow, a prescription for laughter’s medicine doesn’t quite cut it.
So re-read your happy list when your together to remind yourself of all you’ll miss when you’re alone on New Years Eve or spending another Birthday quietly celebrating by yourself
When tending to your garden with your own tears you can shred that happy list then use it for compost
Ouch - an admittedly angry phase from decades ago when all there was left to say was - well - whatever. I don't recall it being a happy time.