Pasted on the wall, Glistening flat faced, All warmed up I unfold the images Of destruction, Blur out rackets of mortar, Flip blue sky into black. In the comfort Of their homes, They lament away, At a touch of a button I am silenced. Havoc out of sight; Life goes on.
The Man on a Mission Scours the East of the continent. He sees the ravages on humanity In its full glare, Mangled bodies, Riddled with bullets, Roving children, Yelling for mercy. He clams up, The well of tears run dry. Unimaginable images of horror Reel around in his head, Sounds of terror, Reverberate in his ears.
The Man on a Mission Goes to work Not knowing what each day will bring, yet he carries on in the face of adversity. The sounds have become a part of him. I pray some day All this will come to an end, So The Man on a Mission Can be sound asleep.
This poem aims to depict the lasting horrific effects of war on the Media personnel. I wrote this as a tribute to the main character Abdul Rahman Ramadhan featured in a documentary called ‘The Sound Man’ by Chip Duncan.