. and that twilight zone, mulling over a bottle of wine after the finest fish & chips... 'don't worry, laddy, ms amber will be with you shortly' like some obscure reference to a pink floyd song... mind you, my english teacher, also a scot, directed me to be equipped with this language, but, to an over-arching extent not bothering with grammar; i still don't want to sing the anthem, probably, the shittest anthem the world has ever heard, and short... so... obviously, genious me had to find a compromise... 'so... so. so when these ******* stand up do a rom-com tear jerker moment, for whatever patriotism is left in them... can we, can i... can Z whistle the british grenadiers' fife 'n' drum?' well it was either a pint of milk, or a bottle of wine... how else am i supposed to **** this **** out?! why, why is everyone raving about the current, marvel, like it's some sort of ingmar bergman fetish? back to the whistling, i've go some eager ***** about to god save the queen me to death.